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Veracity Database 🌍


ArupCompute can be used to query Veracity db, Arup's single-source of information for the environmental impact of materials, components & products.

The ArupCompute VeracityDB Query function has the following inputs:

CollectionstringChoose from: 'UK', 'Europe', 'NL', 'AUS', 'America', 'Ireland'
TypestringE.g. 'Concrete', 'Aluminium', see web tool for more
List Index ToggleboolTrue / False
Index SelectionintIf multiple items in the database match your query, this is the index of the item you want (if List Index Toggle is True)
Text Filter ToggleboolTrue / False
Text Filterstringcomma separated list of words to filter the results by e.g. slag, 20

At the time of writing the above link is to the most recent implementation, but check there isn't a newer version.
