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How to: Plot a graph using Matplotlib

Matplotlib is a popular python library for plotting graphs.

This guide will show you how to include a Matplotlib graph within your ArupCompute HTML report output.


This how-to guide assumes that you have already completed the ArupCompute python tutorial.


The first thing to do from the terminal is pip install matplotlib

Next add matplotlib to your requirements.txt file.


The key steps are:

  • Save the plot as SVG in a temporary file using StringIO
  • Use and close figures to ensure that subsequent calls to the function get a fresh canvas to draw on

The example below shows the most important part of the code:

# At top of file
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from io import StringIO

# Within your function
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot()

tmpfile = StringIO()
fig.savefig(tmpfile, format='svg')

svg = tmpfile.getvalue()

acr.arupComputeReport_HTML = svg

As a full worked example see this code from the sample library:

def plottingExample(x: float, pow: float) -> ArupComputeResult:
"""Plotting a graph

An example showcasing how to use MatplotLib to plot a graph

x: The base number
pow: The power to raise the number to

y: x raised to pow

acr = ArupComputeResult()

ri_pow = ArupComputeResultItem()
ri_pow.value = x ** pow
ri_pow.symbol = "pow"

low = 0
high = 2 * x

if(x == 0):
low = -5
high = 5

x_vals = []
y_vals = []

steps = 20
stepsize = (high - low) / steps

for i in range(steps):
x_val = low + (i * stepsize)

y_val = x_val ** pow

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot()

tmpfile = StringIO()
fig.savefig(tmpfile, format='svg')

svg = tmpfile.getvalue()

acr.arupComputeReport_HTML = svg

return acr

Which produces an output that looks like this (x=5, pow=3):


SVG is a native part of HTML, so can be inserted directly.

<h2>Hello SVG & HTML</h2>
<P>Some HTML text</p>

Would look like this:



  • Thomas Bush for figuring out the usage of the StringIO library for the temporary file
  • Sebastien Cote for working out how to use figures to enable a clean canvas for each new run